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Summer Camp!

Summer Camp Flyer (Updated 2019).jpg

Sign-up sheets are available at our studio (846 Southampton Road, Benicia, CA. 94510.)

Or Click Here!

Summer Camp Intro Letter (Updated 2019).

Martial Arts Summer Camp Overview

Martial arts summer camp is a day camp for kids ages 5-12. Campers will engage in activities that will improve their fitness, coordination, and martial arts skill. Traditional martial arts training will be performed daily in addition to weekly themes. There will be hikes to different parks every morning where we will have various activities and games. Afternoons will be spent at the studio where we will teach subjects not normally seen in martial arts class. Each week will have a different theme which will determine what campers will be focused on. Please send campers with a daily lunch, snacks or food money.


Week 1: During ninja week we will instruct campers in parkour, how to throw ninja stars and train in various weapons. They will put their skills to the test on obstacle courses and different types of targets.


Week 2: During video game week we will teach special moves performed by the camper’s favorite video game characters. We will also play games based off of their favorite video games like Super Smash Brothers, Fortnite and more!


Week 3: Superhero week will consist of training to be able to move like Spiderman and fight like Captain America. We will teach Hulk power strikes for smashing boards and play games where campers will be heroes and villains.


Week 4: Anime week will include instruction on how to do kicks and punches like the camper’s favorite anime characters such as Naruto and Goku. Martial Arts action choreography will be taught including kicks, punches, throws, and weapons. Campers will get a chance to try One Punch Man’s workout and become a true hero!

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